
Want to know more about how we handle illnesses, snacks, or dismissal? Our policies are created to comply with city and state licensing requirements and to provide best practices for children.

Physical Exams

We require and maintain health records for each child. Prior to the first day of school, all students must have a completed medical form signed by their physician; proof of all American Academy of Pediatrics and Center for Disease Control recommended immunizations required.


We ask that you notify us of any allergies your child has as soon as you know of them. Once being notified, we will have you and your child's physician complete our allergy form and provide any medication necessary for us to have on hand.

Absences and Illness

If your child will be absent from school for any reason, please email the Director and Classroom Teachers. If your child is absent due to illness, please complete an Illness Reporting Form to assist in creating your return to school timeline. If your child is ill, we require that you keep them home for a minimum of 24 hours after any temperature has broken without use of medication, vomiting or diarrhea has stopped and all other symptoms have improved.

If your child becomes sick while at school, we will notify you immediately and ask that you come for him/her as quickly as possible. Sick children will be removed from the classroom to stay with the Director or Administrative Assistant until a parent/caregiver is notified and can come to pick up the child. If your child is sent home from school, we require that you keep them home for a minimum of 24 hours after any temperature has broken without use of medication, vomiting or diarrhea has stopped and all other symptoms have improved.

Contagious Diseases

We are required by law to notify other parents, public health authorities, and staff when children are exposed to a contagious disease, so please contact the preschool immediately if your child has contracted contagious diseases such as strep throat, chicken pox, scarlet fever, conjunctivitis, chicken pox, head lice, measles, mumps, pin worms, ring worm, and fifth disease. In accordance with our privacy policy, we will not share you or your child's name when informing parents, officials, and staff.

Emergency Procedures

We will administer ice, band-aids, or cold compresses for minor accidents and complete an accident report, shared with parents, within 24 hours of injury. In the event of a more serious accident, the parents or emergency contact person will be notified and arrangements will be made to transport the child either home or to the hospital. Please inform the school of any changes to contact information.

Washing Hands

In accordance with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services' regulations, we require that all children and any parents assisting thoroughly wash their hands prior to the start of class, and throughout the day, as required.


A nut-free snack is served each day and consists of ½ serving of two of the following 4 components: Grains/Breads, meat/cheese/beans, fruit/vegetable, and water. For children under 4 years old, popcorn, raw peas, and hard pretzels are not served.

Children can bring a special snack to share with their classmates after families have consulted with teachers for further dietary restrictions. Due to DCFS licensing constraints, Pilgrim cannot serve homemade snacks and all snacks must be nut-free, store-bought, and not manufactured in a facility that processes peanuts. Snack must be in the original sealed store packaging. Fruit or vegetables cannot be washed and cut at the school. Please avoid sending snacks that have high sugar or fat content.

Foods with Nuts

We do not have control of our building 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Many groups meet in this building and may use nuts at other times. However, we strive to be a nut-free environment during our school hours of 8:00 AM- 3:00 PM. We serve nut-free snacks and snacks that have not been manufactured in a plant that processes peanuts.

Arrival and Dismissal

Arrival and dismissal can be an emotional time for children. Communicate with your child the daily routine to ease them into any new arrangements and notify the teacher/faculty of any changes made to your child's pick up/drop off routine.

Arrival begins at 8:30 AM, with families signing in children with their Family Code at their designated drop off spots. Drop off from the parking lot is allowed, a staff member will walk children to their designated spot after signing in. Teachers cannot be responsible for children dropped off before school starts,

Dismissal is at 11:30 AM at designated pick up spots, with families signing children out from their designated pick up spot. Pick up from the parking lot is not allowed. Pick your child up promptly at dismissal time, as children often get anxious when their grown-up is late. A late pick up fee will be charged for periods of 15 minutes and more for families.

We offer a Late End Stay and Play Class from 11:30 to 12:30, families must enroll in the class to participate.

For more details about our policies, refer to the Family Handbook