Play with Purpose

Pilgrim is a private, non-profit preschool serving Oak Park, Illinois and surrounding communities.

Registration for 2025-26 is now open!

Why Pilgrim



The Pilgrim Promise

Pilgrim is committed to providing every child with loving learning environments that enable social, emotional, and physical growth.

We believe that play serves the individual developmental needs of each child.
We foster every child's intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth in a play-based environment.
Loving teachers
Our teachers nurture every child's growth through play.
Our tight knit community provides emotional support and positive experiences.
Stronger together
We believe in partnering with families to support a child's growth.
Parents paricipate in the school's fundraising, social activities, and governance.

Appreciating Diversity

Our mission is to provide exceptional care to all children while fostering each child's intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth in a play-based environment. Pilgrim Community Preschool strives to create an inclusive and joyful environment that reflects the diversity of Oak Park and our surrounding communities. We welcome children and families of all races, religions, ethnic backgrounds, family structures, sexual orientations, gender identities and economic situations.

Play is the highest form of research.
— Albert Einstein

Parent Appreciation


Book a Tour

Tours are held Monday - Friday 12 pm -2 pm. We also provide a virtual tour on our website. If you are interested in learning more about Pilgrim Community Preschool, contact us.